The ES network

Evolving Strategies works with a broad network of academics with a range of specialized skills and domain expertise – experimental designs, political behavior/psychology, statistics, etc – across disciplines such as political science, psychology, economics, statistics and computer science. While we have core researchers, we work to bring the best set of people and skills to bear on a given project.

Adam B. Schaeffer

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Adam Schaeffer is director of research and co-founder of Evolving Strategies. Adam has an extensive background in online survey development, message experiments, and the strategic analysis of message, policy, and audience interactions. He has developed the methodology and survey instruments and conducted the analysis for numerous online and field experiments.

Adam received his Ph.D. in American politics, with a focus in political behavior, media effects, and coalitional politics, from the University of Virginia. His dissertation assessed the potential for combinations of school choice policies and messages to expand and mobilize elite and mass support. He received his M.A. in Social Science from the University of Chicago, where his thesis integrated aspects of evolutionary theory and psychology with political theory and strategy.

He has extensive policy research experience, with a particular expertise in education and school choice issues, including detailed legislative development and analysis, as well as analysis of public opinion and political coalitions. He has commented on a range of political issues in print and broadcast media such asThe Wall Street Journal and Fox News.


Alexander J. Oliver

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Alex Oliver is director of experimental research at Evolving Strategies. He specializes in survey experiment design and maximum likelihood estimation. His research interests center on the effects of message framing and elite position-taking on public opinion during wartime.

He is a Ph.D. candidate in the political science department at Boston University and received an M.A. in economics from Tufts University and a B.A. in economics and mathematics from Merrimack College.



ES-11 (a pseudonym to protect their independence as an academic researcher) is director of statistics and modeling at Evolving Strategies. ES-11 is Professor at a major U.S. research University and affiliated with a leading-edge supercomputing facility.

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ES-11 is an expert statistician, with a particular interest in high-level “big” data analysis and modeling who has published research in political science, statistics, computer science, and operations research.



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ES-9 (a pseudonym to protect his independence as an academic researcher) is a statistician at Evolving Strategies with a personal interest in contemporary politics and research interests in forecasting, monetary policy, and asset pricing.

He has worked as a statistician at the Bureau of Economic Analysis on research projects including valuing implicitly-provided financial services, forecasting revisions in GDP, and modeling consumer choice and learning in the cell phone industry. As an undergraduate student, he worked as a research assistant on a project estimating effects of distance on trade.

He is a Ph.D. candidate in the economics department at a major U.S. research university, and holds a master’s in statistics from Georgetown University and a bachelor’s in economics and politics from Washington and Lee University.



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ES-1 (a pseudonym to protect his independence as an academic researcher) is a statistician and methodologist at Evolving Strategies. He is a seasoned researcher, with experience in structural equation modeling, longitudinal data analysis (e.g., growth curve analysis, longitudinal mixture modeling, longitudinal measurement, and dynamic models), and experimental design and analysis. His research interests include multivariate methods for the analysis of change, multiple group and latent class models for understanding divergent developmental processes, and cognitive achievement and development.

He earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Virginia and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at a major U.S. research university.

Evolving Strategies

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